Patriot Mobile, America’s only Conservative cell phone company 1-877-367-7524

Do you remember when things were simple; when America took pride in the flag, honored our military, stood with tears during the Star-Spangled Banner, and supported the U.S. President? America is the greatest country in the world, and the freedoms we have today exist because of great sacrifice and Godly wisdom. However, these freedoms are being threatened by liberal candidates and causes, as well as the progressive companies that fund their agendas. Patriot Mobile began in 2012 with the realization that large corporations like cell phone companies were funding organizations like Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and the Human Rights Campaign. Founded by two guys, one dog, and a passion to serve, Patriot Mobile exists to provide a service that funds conservative causes and candidates. Veteran-Led Patriot Mobile is America’s only Conservative cell phone company offering super-reliable, nationwide cell phone service and donates a portion of their profits to organizations fighting for 1st & 2nd Amendment right
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