Follow along to learn how you can transform a Ferrari into Eula’s asymmetrical style! The techniques shown in this tutorial can also be used for characters such as Lightning from FFXIII.
Tip: Since styrofoam mannequin heads can be smaller than human head sizes, we recommend trying the wig on first, and marking desired lengths with bobby pins or clips for reference before trimming.
Heat tools info: We normally recommend working between 300-350°F with Arda Classic fibers (or 200-250°F for Silky) and wearing gloves for higher temperatures. If not using gloves, use a lower range you can handle. When using irons on areas where hairspray is present, lower settings are recommended.
Glue info: Tacky Glue is a flexible, clear-drying fabric glue. It holds strong when dry, but it’s also water-soluble in case you make mistakes! E6000 was used to secure the skin top. Be sure to ventilate your workspace when using toxic adhesives such as this one.
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