OOTW | Fashion Film | Kelley Whilden

TGIF, my lovelies!! I am so excited about sharing this video with you! You know you really enjoy what you do, when you spend 15 hours editing a 6 minute fashion film! LOL. Spring is just about here and Los Angeles is preparing for the biggest storm it’s seen in 6 or so years. That said, sweater weather it is! For my OOTW I went with a bohemian casual look. The sweater in this video is a vintage zip up wool sweater. I found it at a thrift store and fell hard for it. So cozy for rainy days and hot cocoa. The leather gladiators are by Bamboo, sooo comfy, and look great with shorts and boho dresses. Love that they are nude in color too because they make your legs look super long! Illusions, baby, illusions!!! I had so much fun putting this piece together for you guys!! Hope you enjoy the video, my loves!! If you like this OOTW Fashion Film, please be sure to give it a like & subscribe for more future videos :))) Thanks for watching! Muahh
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