How To Increase Brain Capacity? | Try These 3 Powerful Strategies | Yoga For The Mind | Dr. Hansaji

Boost Your Brain Capacity: Holistic Approaches for a Sharper Mind Dive into the fascinating world of brain enhancement with us today as we uncover three potent strategies to elevate your cognitive prowess. Learn Sanskrit Language  Unearth the ancient secrets of Sanskrit, one of the world’s oldest languages, and its profound impact on memory and speech clarity.  Discover how delving into Sanskrit stimulates specific brain regions, fostering new neural connections and refining your linguistic articulation. Anulom Vilom: The Breath of Balance  Explore the transformative power of Anulom Vilom, a yogic breathing technique designed to optimize brain function.  Learn how alternating breath patterns and ensuring optimal oxygen supply enhance focus, reduce stress, and boost concentration. ‍♂️ Yama & Niyama: The Yogic Principles  Delve into the enlightening concepts of Yama and Niyama from t
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