BEAUTIFUL WATERFALL. The best white noise of nature, background sounds for sleep and relax.

A beautiful mountain waterfall with a strong current of water, large water rapids. Water makes a loud noise, breaking on stones, white noise, background sounds of wildlife. A beautiful video sketch from a pleasant natural landscape, a bewitching place of wild nature for relaxation, meditation, yoga. Sometimes you want to see something interesting, unusual, bewitching, like this waterfall, to enjoy the beauty of pristine nature, to get aesthetic pleasure from the creations of nature. Many people use white noise, background sounds of nature for study, while reading a book, for doing household chores, as background sounds. the sounds of a noisy mountain waterfall are well suited to perform the function of background accompaniment or listen before going to bed to distract from everyday problems. I often go to nature, go to the forest, walk in the field, walk by the river and take a video camera with me to shoot beautiful shots of nature on video, and then show these landscapes and views of nature to you,
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