Grease Pencil: Design [Blender Add-on] Tutorial

Grease Pencil: Design is an add-on for Blender that fills the gap of missing features in Grease Pencil for graphic design. With tools like Align, Distribute, Arrange, Bevel, and Merge Points, this add-on enables you to create designs in Blender like you would in popular design software. With this powerful toolset, you can easily design in 2D and even 3D space, making Grease Pencil: Design a must-have add-on for Blender users looking to take their design skills to the next level. Character Designs by Eka Panova @eka_panova @askNK @SouthernShotty @Dantti @MumuMundo @blenderguru @BlenderSecrets@InspirationTuts @InspirationTuts2D
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