Park Han Gill Atomy Vision May 19 2023 Global Success Academy
Park Han Gill Atomy Vision May 19 2023 Global Success Academy
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2023년 05월 19일 석세스아카데미
애터미 절대품질로 승부를 걸다!
10분의 1로 가격을 낮춘 헤모힘과
세종대왕상을 수상한 앱솔루트 셀랙티브의 절대품질력!
파레토법칙을 넘어 이제 절대 소수의 사람만이 성공하는 시대,
이 시대에 대안을 제시하는
모든 것이 준비된 애터미 퍼스널 플랫폼 비즈니스로
빠르게 가는 자, 천천히 가는 자 모두 함께 성공합시다!
머니 리치, 프렌드 리치, 타임 리치를
가능하게 하는 애터미 사업,
하지만 영원한 생명까지도 얻기를 바랍니다.
그 길을 안내하는 복음사경회가
매 달 애터미파크에서 열립니다.
여러분을 초대합니다.
모두 천국 소망을 가질 수 있는 여러분이 되시기를
진심으로 바랍니다.
May 19, 2023 Success Academy
Atomy bet on absolute quality!
HemoHIM, which lowered the price to 1/10,
The absolute quality of Absolute Cellactive, which won the King Sejong Award!
Beyond the Pareto Law, now only a few people succeed,
presenting an alternative in this era,
With Atomy’s personal platform business, everything is ready
Those who go fast, those who go slow, let’s all succeed together!
Money Rich, Friend Rich, Time Rich
Atomy business that makes it possible,
But I also hope to have eternal life.
The Gospel Bible Society guides the way
It is held every month at Atomy Park.
We invite you.
May all of you be able to have the hope of heaven
I sincerely hope.
Park Han Gill: Atomy Vision, May 2023 Success Academy,
Park Han Gill, Quantum Jump and Global Synchronization,
Quantum Jump, Global Synchronization,
Park Han Gill, Atomy 2023 Theme, Quantum Jump and Global Synchronization, Atomy slogan in 2023,
Network marketing started long before amazon but its sales are far behind compared to amazon. It is because network marketing does not really follow the principle of distribution. The principle of distribution is simple: sell quality products at reasonable prices. So we have to create products that are of better quality than products in department stores but at a lower price. That’s what Atomy does.
The goal of Atomy is not to make profit. Atomy always put the consumers success as the first priority. Consumers are provided with daily necessity products at absolute quality and absolute prices.
Park Han Gill, Atomy Principles of Success, Selling High Quality Products at Low Prices,
consumers’ happiness, consumers’ success, Atomy is the number one network marketing company in Korea, 26 overseas branches, Atomy is so successful, very simple principle, success of Atomy customers, atomy number one goal is customers’ success, a lot of successful people at Atomy, Success Academy, the success of both leaders and consumers,
The absolute products and absolute prices must be supported by a business system that supports it. Atomy has no entrance fee, no maintenance fee.
Currently Korea has the most patents in the field of technology in the world. Atomy products have patents in terms of the best technology in the world.
Now, Atomy receives CCM (Customer Centered Management) for the second time. It means that Atomy as a network marketing business has been well received by the society. Atomy is the first network marketing company to receive such a certificate.
Now, Amway also receives CCM certificate, Amway becomes the second network marketing company to received such a certfikcate. Atomy’s absolute products have the best technology and are of the best quality. They should be sold at a higher price, but they are sold at affordable prices.
Atomy avoided all sources of people’s suspicion of network marketing and started a new history in network marketing.
Atomy high quality products, Atomy products with reasonable prices, Atomy motto, Atomy values, Atomy principles, Atomy is the best business, free registration,
doing Atomy business is very challenging at the beginning,
doing Atomy business is a learning process,
organizing small group meeting,
my income doubled or tripled every year,
Atomy changes my life,
learn how to communicate,
learn to serve in humility,
Atomy is a solution for poverty,
free membership,
no cost to join, no maintenance fee,
no monthly fee, no annual fee,
no minimum order requirement,
you only buy products that you need,
changing your brands to Atomy, personal care, beauty lines,
no automatically ordering,
no auto shipping, auto shipping in other MLM is practiced to maintain mastership, so it becomes a burden to its member,
no website fee,
prosumer, you’re producer at the same time consumer,
many Atomy members have already made million dollars,
with absolute quality you are going to love Atomy products,
no credit card or master card needed upon registration,
In Atomy you only decide to purchase in your own convenience,
No risk at all, nothing to lose,
Atomy is a brand to trust,
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