Palestina libre!: manifestantes gritan consignas a Biden tras su discurso sobre Gaza

🇺🇸🇵🇸 “¡Palestina libre!“: manifestantes gritan consignas a Biden tras su discurso sobre Gaza El presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, fue recibido por activistas propalestinos que le lanzaron consignas mientras caminaba por la calle. “¡Palestina libre!“, coreaban los manifestantes que observaban al presidente caminar. Sin embargo, Biden no pareció reaccionar a los llamamientos propalestinos. -- 🇺🇸🇵🇸 “Free Palestine!“: Protesters shout slogans at Biden after his speech on Gaza The president of the United States, Joe Biden, was received by pro-Palestinian activists who shouted slogans at him as he walked down the street. “Free Palestine!“ chanted the protesters watching the president walk. However, Biden did not appear to react to the pro-Palestinian calls. Источник: Eureka news
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