Cruising the Center of ST PETERSBURG on Friday Night. LIVE

Cruising all around the center of St Petersburg!, Russia on Friday night. City, streets, people, traffic, awesome architecture, great play-list compiled by your requests and wonderful chat! Send any $5 superchat or DonationAlerts for a song request. DonationAlerts - most common artists on my wave: the beatles, depeche mode, david bowie, annie lennox, phil collins, duran duran, the beach boys, fleetwood mac, bob dylan, nirvana, marvin gaye, aretha franklin, stevie wonder, the rolling stones, queen, prince, elton john, alphaville, a-ha, the cure, bee gees, robbie williams, pink floyd, barry white, lenny kravitz, sade, coldplay, sting, amy winehouse, kraftwerk, george michael 🗿 Join Memberships to support the new live streams and road trips in 2024 -
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