~ - Niconico Video sm38365959

Nice to meet you, nice to meet you! Thank you to those who have seen it last time! It’s popcorn! This time I danced a darling dance with Penta-chan’s choreography! I can’t wipe the feeling of potatoes from all directions ...! Penta-chan’s natural prettiness and cuteness? I thought it was really amazing! I would like to continue my research! And I have entered the copy section of the super dance in this video, so please take a look! orz 楽曲本家様→(sm37441963) 振付本家様→(sm37715243) ぽっぷこーんのマイリス→mylist/69269558 ぽっぷこーんのTwitter→@pop_corn_dance 前回→スイートマジック 踊ってみた(sm38327730) ぽっぷこーん 03/04/2021 12:00 Views 868
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