UE4 - Zombie Movement and Interaction animations

Get it here 34 animations Basic Walk animations and right hand attack are included in the stupid Stooped Zombies Pack Taunt - Roar Crawl - Idle -Slow - Fast Hop Left Leg - Idle -Slow - Fast Hop Right Leg - - Idle -Slow - Fast Standing - Idle -Walk- Run Attacks Standing- Left Arm swing - ​Right Arm swing - 2 Hand swing Attacks Crawl - Left Arm swing ,​Right Arm swing Interactive Modular Animation Zombie attack and Human response Takedown and get munched Idle to grab Grab to wrestle Grab to Takedown Grab to Push Defence Grab To Kick Defence Grab to Munching Recovery Slumped to Stand Prone To Idle Stand up Example blend spaces are included for all Idle / slow / fast animations
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