Top 25 Blind Audition (The Voice around the world 150)

Top 25 Blind Audition (The Voice around the world 150) Check my playlist: Check my second YT channel: Check my VIMEO channel: Assista The Voice Brazil: INDEX OF MUSIC 0:00 Andi and Alex - “Thank You“ (The Voice US) 1:37 Esmée Denters - “Yellow“ (The Voice UK) 3:12 Leen Zijlmans - “Als Je Zachtjes Zegt ‘ Ik Hou Van Jou’“ (The Voice Senior Holland) 5:12 Sophie - “Iron Sky“ (The Voice van Vlaanderen) 7:07 Despina Tata - “Lost on You“ (The Voice of Greece) 8:45 Will Jay - “Lemon Tree“ (The Voice of China) 11:59 Patricia van Haastrecht - “Rise Up“ (The Voice of Holland) 14:...24 Mary Sarah - “Where the Boys Are“ (The Voice US) 16:12 Lelo Ramasimong - “Mercy“ (The Voice South Africa) 17:45 Magdalena Pascar - “Human“ (The Voice of Ukraine) 20:04 Tiziana Gulino - “Let Her Go“ (The Voice of Switzerland) 21:58 Flavia Gabê - “Quando Fui Chuva“ (The Voice Brazil) 23:45 Matthias Nebel - “Bed Of Roses“ (The Voice of Germany) 25:45 Thomas Grazioso - “Every Breath You Take“ (The Voice Russia) 27:52 Adriana Bessogonov - “Make You Feel My Love“ (The Voice Czech Republic and Slovakia) 29:23 Aaron Gibson - “Losing My Religion“ (The Voice US) 31:07 Mo Adeniran - “Iron Sky“ (The Voice UK) 32:55 Alexandru Tutuianu - “La bohème“ (The Voice of Quebec/Canada) 34:46 Mariam Shengelia - “Steamroller Blues“ (The Voice of Georgia) 36:23 Maria Rusakova - “Holding Out for a Hero“ (The Voice Russia) 38:49 Kellie Lewis - “Running Up That Hill“ (The Voice of Ireland) 40:39 Anastasia Bukhantsova - “У мене немає дому“ (The Voice of Ukraine) 42:39 Bogdan Ioan - “Earth Song“ (The Voice of Romania) 44:45 Celia Babini - “idontwannabeyouanymore“ (The Voice US) 46:30 Andriy Rybachuk - “Закрили твої очі“ (The Voice of Ukraine)
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