Интервью грандмастера Рене Тонгсона(Филиппины) об уникальном стиле Абанико Трес Пунтас(Часть 2-ая) и демонстрация

Interesting interview of Grandmaster Rene Tongson (Philippines) about unique style of classical Arnis- Аbaniko Tres Puntas, during Russian house on the Philippines camp in Puerto Galera, White beach area, Philippines. GM Rene Tongsons interview demo (part II) about unique classical Arnis style Abanico Tres Puntas - Интервью GM Rene Tongson about Аbaniko Tres Puntas Interesting interview of Grandmaster Rene Tongson(Philippines) about unique style of classical Arnis- Аbaniko Tres Puntas, during
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