Slavlenje - Kličem Haleluja, Otvori oči mog srca, Blagoslov, Ti si dostojan
4 pesme slave u jednom videu
Ovaj video je napravljen da proslavi Boga zajedno sa crkvom
Veoma smo želeli da napravimo video sa pjesmama za slavlje koje će odgovarati službi u crkvi. Naš cilj je da pomognemo ljudima da osete Božje prisustvo, da u jedinstvu slave Boga, da mu izraze svoje poštovanje i pokolenje
U stvaranju videa učestvovali su
Viktor Podobedov - gitara vokal
Vladislav Ivonin -
...klaviši aranžiranje zvuk
Elisej Makarov - snimanje i montaž video zapisa
Worship set - Raise a Hallelujah, Open The Eyes Of My Heart, The Blessing, Worthy Of it All
4 worship songs in one video
This video was created to worship God
We really wanted to create a video with songs of praise that would be suitable for church service. Our goal is to help people feel God’s presence, to glorify God in unity, to express their reverence and respect for Him
We worked on the creation of the video
Viktor Podobedov - Acoustic guitar vocal
Vladislav Ivonin - piano arrangement mixing
Elisey Makarov - shooting and editing video
The authors of the lyrics
Raise a Hallelujah | Jake Stevens/Jonathan David Helser/Melissa Helser/Molly Skaggs
Open The Eyes Of My Heart | Paul Joseph Baloche
The Blessing | Chris Brown/Steven Furtick/Cody Carnes/Kari Brooke Jobe
Worthy Of it All | David Brymer/Ryan HallShow more