Tatiana Nikolayeva plays Ravel, Scriabin, Borodin, Mussorgsky, Prokofiev - video 1990
Tatiana Nikolayeva playing two pieces from Ravel’s Miroirs, Scriabin’s Prelude and Nocturne for the left hand and Poeme Tragique, Borodin’s In the Monastery, Mussorgsky’s Ballet of the unhatched chicks, and Prokofiev’s Prelude ’Harp’, live in Moscow in 1990. Timing below:
00:40 - Ravel Miroirs, Oiseaux tristes
04:15 - Ravel Miroirs, Une barque sur l’océan
11:52 - Scriabin Prelude and Nocturne for the left hand, op. 9
19:41 - Scriabin Poeme Tragique, Op. 34
24:51 - Borodin Petite Suite, In the Monastery / Au couvent
30:25 - Mussorgsky Ballet of the unhatched chicks
33:03 - Prokofiev Prelude op. 12 no. 7, Harp
Татьяна Николаева - Морис Равель - Александр Скрябин - Александр Бородин - Модест Мусоргский - Сергей Прокофьев
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BEETHOVEN - Piano Sonata (Tatiana Nikolayeva) 1987 LIVE