Early in the morning to Frankivsk! Great diesel cabride, part 1

We begin a great journey along one of the main railways on diesel traction of the west of Ukraine - railway line Lviv - Ivano-Frankivsk - Chernivtsi. This is one of the first railways in Ukraine, built in 1866, it connects three regional centers: Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi. Also, almost all trains to Yaremche, Vorokhta and Rakhiv pass through this railway. In first part, we will depart early in the morning from Lviv station to Stare Selo station, where there will be a stop waiting for the oncoming diesel train. Enjoy! Таймлайн / Timeline: 00:01 - анонс / preview 01:14 - станція Львів / Lviv station 03:50 - проба гальм / brake test 05:40 - платформа Городоцька / Horodotska stop 08:50 - платформа Коновальця / Konovaltsya stop 10:45 - платформа Княгині Ольги (закр.) / Knyahyni Olhy stop (closed) 13:23 - станція Персенківка / Persenkivka station 17:48 - платформа Зубрівська / Zubrivska stop 18:55 - станція Сихів / Sykhiv station 20:35 - Львів / Lviv 26:46
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