The story of Newspaper - History of Everything

History of Newspaper We are social beings, we gather information from various sources to protect , to survive and to fulfil our consciousness. In the past it was not easy to obtain information because there was lack of reliable sources, often the information acquired was not very dependable and people used to spread fake news like wildfire. Then with the arrival of writing and literacy, news reports became more reliable because Advanced societies became more academic. Societies like Rome in 59 B.C. started publishing about their political happenings, trials and executions in the form of daily hand-written news sheets. Likewise China produced the news sheets called the TIPAO starting from 202 B.C. during the HAN dynasty. In 1450, Johan Guttenburg invented the first printing press and various pamphlets, newsbooks and news ballads started circulating in whole Europe. But nothing upto this point qualifies to be a newspaper. In the 16th Century Venice like many othe
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