The REAL Cause of a Constant Phlegmy (Mucus) Throat

Learn about the root cause of chronic phlegm and the best ways to address it. For more details on this topic, check out the full article on the website: ➡️ Watch My Videos on Gastritis and Ulcer: ▶️ ▶️ 0:00 Introduction: Chronic phlegm 1:15 What causes chronic phlegm? 3:26 A deeper look at treatments 5:07 The root cause of chronic phlegm 6:00 Why you need hydrochloric acid 10:05 How to increase stomach acid 14:13 Check out my video on hydrochloric acid Let’s look at what really causes chronic phlegm and what you can do about it. Chronic mucus production in your throat can worsen at night, and you may notice other symptoms such as: • Postnasal drip • Chronic cough • Hoarseness • A sensation of a lump in your throat • A sore throat without an infection An allergy or virus could cause chronic mucus
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