Thunderstorm Hits Oxford Street ⚡️ Heavy Rain London Walk | 4K ASMR | May 2021

Walking London’s Oxford Street, Europe’s busiest shopping street, during a thunderstorm as a heavy rain pours down, on the first day further restrictions have been eased allowing indoor hospitality to reopen. Recorded on 17 May 2021 Mon , 11°C/52°F Find three WW logos hidden in this video Turn on closed-captions for on-screen info ROUTE MAP - 1 miles/1.6 km walked ROUTE TIMESTAMPS 00:00 - Oxford Street (West) 13:45 - Oxford Circus 14:26 - Oxford Street (East) SEE PINNED COMMENT FOR SIGHTS TIMESTAMPS WAYS TO SUPPORT CHANNEL/THANK ME One-off Tip - Monthly Pledge - Buy Merch - FOLLOW ME ON Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - For business enquiries pl
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