Mr. Khruschev Holds Press Conference (1960)

Moscow (probably inside the Kremlin), Russia. LS. Khruschev and others taking their place on dais, they applaud audience, pan to audience who are also applauding. . Andrei Gromyko, Russian Foreign Minister, speaking. LS. Gromyko and Khruschev seated on platform. MS. Khruschev wearing spectacles, speaking. LS. Audience and platform in background. making notes. Pan to CU. handwriting. Two CUs. men listening. ’s face, pan down to his hands on teleprinter. Various shots of reporters making notes and of their hands writing. MS. Khruschev standing now, without spectacles, speaking. LS. and nearer shot of Khruschev speaking, Gromyko can be seen on his right. standing up, asking question. MS. Reporters making notes. speaking. CU. Reporters’ faces, one of them asking question. Mute Lav. NB No dope in file so no indication of subject matter of press conference but presence of Gromyko means it was almost certainly external relations.. FILM ID: A V
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