5 1 Спорт Обучающее видео на Английском Книга Wider World 3 7класс

S = Skye T = Tommo S: You got weights. Cool! T: Yeah, we’re having a competition at the kayak club next month. I’ll be one of the youngest, so I’m going to train well for it. S: They aren’t very heavy! T: They don’t have to be heavy. The important thing is to use them every day. S: You won’t have much free time then. T: Yes, I will. It doesn’t take long. Look, I’ll show you. You lift your arms like this, and repeat about ten times. S: Here, let me have a quick go. Hey, my swimming training starts next week. These exercises will help. T: Why don’t you stay and do some more? S: Sorry, Tommo, I can’t. I’m going to be late and I’m meeting Dan for a run. T: Oh, OK, but don’t forget. You have to use them every day. S: I know.
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