Whatever floats your HOME! Latvian architect designs mobile house-boat-trike

Subscribe to our channel! Latvian landscape architect Aigars Lauzis showcased his unique ’Z-Triton’ mobile home that can also be used as a boat and tricycle to Ruptly on Wednesday in the town of Smiltene. The floating home is powered by two 250-watt hub motors, solar panels and an electric boat engine that should allow the user to travel up to 40 kilometres (25 miles) on land or about 30 kilometres (19 miles) on water. On land, it can be powered by cycling as well. The cabin of the vehicle can accommodate two people, and the Z-Triton is even equipped with a tiny kitchen to store and prepare food. The 39-year-old inventor explained that he came up with the idea during a cycling trip from London to Tokyo. “Pretty much two of my inspirations came from the trip. One was the creativity that I saw when I was cycling around the world, seeing crazy ideas that people are creating in the world,” the designer said. Lauzis added that the Z-Triton was born “because of my cycling trip, the idea tha
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