Legato Sounds From The Old Formant Analog Synthesizer

Dry from the mixer, just 1 mono tape delay, the stereo wideness is from the 2 sides of the synth. Download a .wav or .mp3 of this recording over here, amongst many many more songs, audio and videos! :- Patreon is a massive enable to making videos, the larger DIY projects would be a lot more strung out without it! so i cant thank my supporters enough. It Also keeps the lights on at @THISMUSEUMISNOTOBSOLETE where you can come and play this synth! ------------ VIDEO ABOUT THIS FORMANT SYNTH :- -------- THANKUS HUMUNGOUSO to :- Simeon Peebler MigMonkey1991 Allen Kenneth William Paley michaelian Markku Rontu Jason Kostempski TheTechromancer Space Pope Cameron Luteraan Ande Spenser Arnix T-Bone Aaron Ritter David Boudreau casey Polykit Matthew W Blakwater David Dolphin Matt Followell (PDP-7) Miles Flavel ------------- Paypal :- Facebook :- Website :- Instagram :-
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