他為新家打造強大自循環系統,全年不花水電費 With His Self-circulating System, Say Goodbye to Utility Bills

越南峴港的一個五口之家,請建築師武重義設計了一座新宅。屋子處處是流動的自然風、綠植和日光,屋頂花園可種植各類蔬果。建築的自循環系統讓他們幾乎不用水電,實現自給自足。在這樣的房子裡,家人不會各玩各的手機,而是一起親近自然,燒烤、游泳...... A family of five living in Da Nang, Vietnam had their house designed by architect Vo Trong Nghia. The house is abundant with natural air, plants and sunlight, and on the roof garden all kinds of fruits and vegetables are planted. The self-circulating system makes water and power supply unnecessary. In such a house, the family members do not stare at their own screens all day, but stay c
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