3D Lock Exchange (CFD) - Fluid flow after a gate separating heavy and light fluid is released.

Same conditions as my previous 2D simulation, however we now have 32 grid cells in the width making it 3D. Resolution is now 512x32x192. Heavy fluid sits on the left while light fluid sits on the right, all boundaries are no-slip where the velocity is zero at the boundary. Shown on the top plot is a three-dimensional representation of 3 iso-surfaces of density which follow the propagating front, the bottom plot depicts a 2D longitudinal slice at mid-width. At the beginning of the simulation the gate is released and the fluids interact dynamically. Buoyancy forces generate a flow that is characterized by an advancing front near the bottom and top boundaries. High shear at the boundary between the two fluids gives origin to kevin-helmholtz instability as can be observed by regions of high vorticity in the flow. Three dimensional effects are prominent with a number of familiar flow structures visible. The 3D nature of the simulation allows for vortex stretching and results in an energy cascade from large to sma
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