Fried River Shrimps with Chives丨韭菜炒河虾丨4K UHD丨小喜XiaoXi丨阳光灿烂的日子,上山转转,心情

It is a shiny day, which makes my mood brightening too. So, I go up the mountain and making a net with local materials. Then, catch some small shrimps in the river to make a simple meal. It is so pleasant to have this dishes and soup. 阳光灿烂的日子,上山转转,心情也跟着明朗了起来 就地取材,编个称手的捞虾网,再下河捞些小河虾 简简单单的做一餐,有菜有汤,甚是惬意! ❤️欢迎订阅我的YouTube频道❤️Subscribe!🎁 非常感谢你们的观看、点$
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