Mellow hollow. Videoblues

Видеоблюз. In your mellow hollow follow Husky-dusky land of snow With no shoes on your pillow And No fruits in your boots You create your life book... Starting here - underground.. Waiting till there’s noone ’round. Singing singing singing far. Air is holding every Star Night is somewhat very near, Silent steps of Hers I hear. When I tried to capture it With my camera that fits Darkened cloud got down on me Little flashes was all I see. Frozen flying eerie sparks On the tail of dress of Dark. Larches, cedars, and birch trees Horovody on the streets. Snow is dancing swirling too, Being center of the mood. On this feast you’d love to be In Siberia that’s Free! пришедшая муза замёрзла на бескрайних сибирских снежных морях и, пришедши в город, настигла меня. Но почему-то она была англоговорящей??
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