Catch Me

omg i love the i just knew i had to make an mmv to this manga BECAUSE ITS EPIC!!!I loved every minute of making this and not just because i had a lot of ideas for this!XDI hadnt edited any manga in a long time and it felt nice editing to it again:’ D I had started off thinking it was just gonna be a one day spur of the moment video but it ended up taking 2 days!Im really happy with how it came out,its pretty much the same as what i imagined it would be like! Ive wanted to make a sweet romantic mmv for a while now cos im such a nerdy fangirl when it comes to shoujo mangas!XDI wanted it to be all girly and pink and pwettyXDwhich is how it came out;D actually it seems liek im slowly drifting into girly editing!XDi mean when you look at my last 2 amvs._. anyway the credits are at the end of the video but for those of you who have the attention span of a peacock here ya go! Manga. Strobe Edge Song. Catch Me Artist. Demi Lovato
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