TNO Custom Superevents: Govorov Unifies Russia

This video is not meant to target any groups, religions, or glorify people shown. Its only for etertainment, and arstistic purpouses only. Context: After the West Russian War, Govorov would flee to the Far-East and stay undercover for a decade, in Irkutsk. As Genrikh Yagoda conqured the other warlords, Govorov stepped into the light once again. He would execute Yagoda, and become the new Premier. He went on to reform Irkutsk into a more democratic nation (like Sablin). Govorov then goes on to unify Russia, and spread his idea of ’Humane Communism’ to the Rus. But after he reunifes Russia, Govorov becomes depressed, and traumatized by all the war that he has gone through, in Leningrad (During WW2) the Far-East, against the other Warlords, that he ends up commiting suicide and a council is left in his sted.
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