The Killers - SLC 8/30/2022 - For Reasons Unknown - ft. Alec Andersen (fan drummer) - side view.

The Killers - SLC 8/30/2022 - For Reasons Unknown - ft. Alec Andersen of Lehi, Ut (fan drummer). Alec Andersen had a dream to play live with the Killers and has been planning out how to get on stage to perform with them for three years (waiting for the Killers to tour again after COVID). He spent numerous hours practicing the drums and reals for this song to be ready. After carefully doing his research on Youtube from other lucky drummers called on stage, he made a sign that said “B-Flo, can I drum w/ my heroes” (B-Flo meaning Brandon Flowers), in hopes that Brandon would see it during the Killers concert on 8/30/2022. He got a group of friends together to help hold up the signs and lucked out when it caught Brandon’s attention and he was invited on stage. After the concert he had a plethora of fans and admirers. Huge credit to Brandon Flowers and Ronnie Vannucci for changing up their setlist and giving Alec this opportunity! Alec has had a rough couple of years and a number
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