Your Questions... ANSWERED ✅

Find out the answers to 24 of the most common questions I receive... 00:48 My height & weight? 01:12 My current training goals? 01:42 What’s my current diet? 02:06 How long have I been training? 03:34 How to stop feeling intimidated? 04:16 Where did I start my training journey? 05:06 Where am I training these days? 05:32 What equipment do we have in our gym? 06:52 How old are my kids? 07:01 What do my kids think about what I do? 07:31 Why don’t I post more about my private life? 08:23 How do I handle criticism? 09:58 How old am I? 10:07 What’s my job? 11:00 How did you get started in the fitness industry? 12:12 Why did you start posting online? 13:25 What a fitness myth that annoys me? 13:46 What supplements do I take? 14:30 What’s my favourite cheat meal? 15:24 What’s an embarrassing story? I hope this helps you learn a little more about me 🙈 Please feel free to comment and let me know if you have a
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