The Shady Side Of Prince William No One Talks About

Prince William has been in the hot seat since the Sussexes’ bombshell Oprah interview, but he’s also been the subject of other shady stories, as well. Here’s the shady side of Prince William that no one talks about. As the story goes, Prince William supposedly first took an interest in his St. Andrews University classmate Kate Middleton when he spotted her walking down the runway of a charity fashion show. The rest is well-documented history, with a few shocking tabloid blips in-between — including the pair’s secret alleged breakup. Behind-the-scenes, things reportedly started deteriorating between Kate and Wills during the summer of 2004, a year before they graduated. According to royal biographer Katie Nicholl’s book, William and Harry: Behind the Palace Walls, the 22-year-old prince “told several of his friends“ that he felt “claustrophobic.“ That summer, the couple embarked on a secret trial separation. He went on a boys-only holiday to Greece, while K
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