Traditional Shakuhachi Lesson 1

The time honored Japanese method of teaching and learning to play the Shakuhachi is demonstrated in a way that the viewer can play along. Teacher and student sit across from a small table for an intimate master class for a first lesson. Beginning with Kurosawa Kinko I (1710-1770) students have studied with personalized lessons that hand down both the knowledge and spirit of meditative bamboo flute playing. This style is called Kinko-Ryu, and is the largest style of Shakuhachi school as well as the most traditional. The style and approach demonstrated here is largely based on the notation and playing of Jin Nyodo (1891-1966). Kimigayo is the piece used to introduce the standard notation used by Kinko players. Daniel Nyohaku Soergel studied under Ronnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin for 30 years and performs the Kinko repertoire which includes works from the monastic tradition as well as chamber music from the “floating world” of refined 17-19 century Japan. There are six free “Traditional Shakuhachi Lessons”,
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