SOUND OF FREEDOM – DÁTUM VYDANIA BUDE OZNÁMENÝ 11. MÁJ 2023 – ŠTÚDIO ANGEL’ PREZENTÁCIA JUAN O SAVIN Krásna prezentácia pôvodne 18. apríla 2021 od Cue the Marines, ktorá obsahuje Jima Caviezela, prezidenta Donalda Trumpa a Donalda Trumpa Jr. a upútavku na „Sound of Freedom“, ktorú teraz vlastní Angel Studios. Prvý celovečerný FILM pre túto skupinu, ktorá má veľa investorov a dokončila dve sezóny VYBRANÝCH. Sound of Freedom, je thriller založený na neuveriteľnom skutočnom príbehu bývalého vládneho agenta, z ktorého sa stal bojovník za slobodu, ktorý sa vydáva na nebezpečnú misiu, aby zachránil desiatky detí z novodobého otroctva. Tento emocionálne strhujúci príbeh je silným príbehom o hrdinstve a je dôkazom húževnatého ducha tých, ktorí odmietajú dovoliť, aby zlo zvíťazilo. ---------------------- SOUND OF FREEDOM - RELEASE DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED MAY 11, 2023- ANGEL STUDIOS’ () JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONS Beautiful Presentation originally APRIL 18 2021 by Cue the Marines that Features Jim Caviezel, President Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr, and the Trailer for the “Sound of Freedom“ which is now owned by Angel Studios’. The First FEATURE LENGTH FILM for this group that has many investors and has completed Two Seasons of the CHOSEN. See the live Marathon TODAY: The Chosen | Season 2 Marathon Streaming on May 6, 2023 at 10:00 AM Angel Studios’ annual Illuminate event is almost here! Live on May 11, 2023 employees, filmmakers, invited fans, and Angel investors will join us in person in Provo, UT, and online to celebrate what’s coming next for Angel Studios in 2023. 2023 Illuminate There’s so much to anticipate for this year’s event. Watch live and you’ll be the first to hear new announcements, see exclusive trailers for shows you’ve been waiting years for, and learn all about Angel Collectible Scenes! We’re also announcing the release date for Sound of Freedom, a movie based on the incredible true story of one man’s mission to rescue dozens of children from modern-day slavery. Pre-sales will start on May 11. Join us for the red carpet at 6:30 pm, MT, and the live show at 7 pm, MT, on Facebook or YouTube. We can’t wait to see you there! In PROVO, UT. Sound of Freedom, a new Angel Original, is a thriller based on the incredible true story of a former government agent turned freedom fighter who embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue dozens of children from modern-day slavery. This emotionally riveting narrative is a powerful story of heroism and stands as a testament to the tenacious spirit of those who refuse to let evil triumph. The Trailer and official site for the Sound of Freedom is here:
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