“SAMSARA“ Saṃsāra or Sansara is a Sanskrit word that means “wandering“ or “world“, with the connotation of cyclic, circuitous change.[1][2] It also refers to the theory of rebirth and “cyclicality of all life, matter, existence“, a fundamental assumption of all Indian religions.[2][3] Saṃsāra is sometimes referred to with terms or phrases such as transmigration, karmic cycle, reincarnation, and “cycle of aimless drifting, wandering or mundane existence“. Sansara is considered as the result of ignorance in understanding one’s true self, under the influence of which the individual or the soul, takes a temporary and illusory world for reality. The existence of two bodies is accepted: a coarse material body, called sthula and a subtle material body that does not collapse after the death of the coarse material body and passes into the next physical body received by the individual in the cycle of sansara. A thin material body consists of three elements: Buddhi (‘conscience’) Ahankara (‘ego’) Manas (‘mind as the ce
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