AI and Emerging Technologies: Intelligence Opportunities & Challenges

Is Artificial Intelligence the end of intelligence operations as we know them or an exciting new way of collecting and analyzing intel? Join us for a timely discussion with experts currently grappling with the new tech and its implications for national security. Dawn Meyerriecks, former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director for Science and Technology, will moderate a conversation with the Deputy Director of the CIA David S. Cohen and Chris Inglis who served as the first National Cyber Director and is also a former Deputy Director of the National Security Agency. The speakers will explore how the US government has promoted AI safety and how it addresses security considerations resulting from this advanced tech. They will address how the intelligence community stays on top of emerging technologies and the implications of ongoing breakthroughs. They will also consider the interplay between the public sector and commercial leaders and what may lie ahead. Co-sponsored by the Council on Intellige
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