Custard Cream Bun [No Oven]

How To Make Vanilla Custard Cream Bun Bread Without oven ​[ASMR] カスタードクリームパン [Eating sound] I have consulted the formula of “Sweet the MI“ channel. (original recipe: Sweet the MI) My new channel for Cat Vlog: Instagram: Facebook: ●● Recipe (レシピ): - CUSTARD CREAM: 3 Egg yolks (卵黄) 50g Sugar (グラニュー糖) 30g Corn starch/ Flour (コーンスターチ) 300ml Milk (牛乳) 30g Unsalted butter (無塩バター) 1Tsp Vanilla extract (バニラエッセンス) - DOUGH: 300g Bread flour (強力粉)
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