The past saturday we focused on the ninjato in our workshop. I did my best to put everything together I learned over the past few years from my teacher, seminars and Japan. Thanks to everyone attending and helping me with my training of the ninjato. Here are a few techniques we trained. Gambatte! Zoran
帯刀 Taito
目潰し Metsubushi
片手抜 Katate Nuki
鯉口切 Koiguchi Kiri
居合間合 Iai Maai
影之一刀 Kage no Ittō
構 Kamae
一之構 Ichi no Kamae
正眼之構 Seigan no Kamae
中段之構 Chūdan no Kamae
下段之構 Gedan no Kamae
棟水之構 Tōsui no Kamae
八相之構 Hassō no Kamae
霞之構 Kasumi n
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