Inner healing, Agesta Sacred Codes

Inner healing, Agesta Sacred Codes Inner healing: Accelerate the healing process at all levels: 128 DNA (Restore): 81621 Souls addicted to suffering: 7278 Anguish: 102 Anxieties and disturbances: 1021 Anxiety: 363 Apathy (laziness): 27600 Pending issues (come out repressed issues that stop progress of this and other lives): 791 Fatigue (remove fatigue, exhaustion): 928 Impossible cases (King Solomon): 344 Jealousy: 1015 Physical body: 512 Guilt (get rid of): 339 Heal (heal; this Code gives the desire to be healed. Many people do not want to be healed, because the disease brings those benefits. Jesus asked the paralytic that was 38 years in the pool of Bethsaida: Do you really want to be healed?): 111500 Sexual performance (fear): 680 Desire to be healed: 111500 Despair: 19 Episodes of past lives (Angel Elyasim, is one of the guardian
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