iba - Measurement Systems for Industry and Energy

Our mission is to bring transparency to the world of industrial production and power generation and distribution plants. By using our system, you can be sure that your systems are captured at 360 ° and thus all individual processes in them are recorded and made completely transparent. Our systems for data acquisition and analysis of machine data from machines and data from production plants are designed to be scalable and therefore expandable at any time. Not only can you grow with increasing demands, you also get along with all commonly used industrial control systems. iba systems are able to document the complete production chain - and to see it in context. All recording results are available to you in a data pool from which you can precisely optimize the function and development of your systems. With modern tools for data analysis, causes can also be found for highly sporadic fault patterns, thus sustainably improving their availability. With the iba system, you not only get trouble-free processes, but also the greatest possible clarity about all technical processes in your plants - and also almost unlimited possibilities to optimize these processes. Because you always see the big picture with an iba system.
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