Eduardo San Martin Morote is joining Nation 2024! (Дата оригинальной публикации: )

Watch Eduardo San Martin Morote live in action at Nation 2024! → Creator of Pinia and Vue Router, Eduardo is a Front-End specialist known for innovative solutions and a passion for collaboration. As a Core team member, he contributes to the ecosystem for in-depth learning into State Management with Pinia. Tune in and get to know Eduardo! 👩‍💻 Pinia, the official state management solution for Vue 3, just reached 4 years old 🎉 which means we had enough time to see it in action, to see it succeed but also fail. In this example-driven talk, we will discuss some of the bad practices I’ve seen in Pinia as well as the good ones that should have been used instead. The event is proudly sponsored by: ⭐ Orkes - ⭐ PrimeVue - ⭐ TinyMCE - ⭐ CKEditor - ⭐ Auth0 by Okta - 🎓 Visit Vue School 📗 Master Nuxt 3 with the only Official Nuxt 3 Course 🍍 Master Pinia with the Author of Pinia, Eduardo San Martin Morote 📜 Get Certified with the Official Certification Program 🔥 Get the Ultimate Vue Bundle 📅 Join the Largest Online Conference for FREE 📩 Contact us at team@
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