Por una Cabeza Tango (Carlos Gardel) “Танго Запах женщины“

“Por una Cabeza“ Tango (Carlos Gardel) Performed in original Spanish by Dmitri Ribero-Ferreira Russian Frontier Guard Orchestra (FSB) Check out the full concert here: Facebook page: Instagram: Vkontakte: Carlos Gardel’s birthday (December 11th) is celebrated as the International Day of Tango. Perhaps there is no figure more vivid, adored, and mysterious in the world of tango as Gardel. More than eighty years have passed since the day of his tragic death in a plane crash. But the countrymen of Gardel still say that “This Creole sings better every day.“ His records are ageless. Even today they serve as sound tracks for films around the world. The song “Por una cabeza“ has been performed in thirteen feature films. There is no analogue to this musical record. ----------------------------------------------
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