6 | Appium Step by Step | How to setup and use Appium Inspector

Setup and Start Appium Inspector 00:00 Intro 00:47 What we will learn 02:05 Download and install Appium Inspector OR Use web version: 08:45 : Start Appium Inspector As we have not yet started appium server you will get error message 09:14 Start appium server by running command appium If you are using the web version of Appium Inspector start appium using command appium —allow-cors Note the host and port of appium server and provide the same in Appium Inspector Now again click on Start Session on Appium Inspector This time you should see the error message for desired capabilities and not for appium server 12:29 Add the Desired Capabilities as per the mobile device or emulator connected to the system ... #RaghavPal #what_is_appium_inspector #how_to_use_appium_inspector #appium_desktop_deprecated #appium_inspector_beginner_tutorials #appium_complete_end-to-end 20240509 S3wDYhnxDh0
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