Through me you go into the city of weeping;
Through me you go into eternal pain;
Through me you go among the lost people;
Justice is what moved my exhalted maker;
I was the invention of his power,
Of his wisdom and his primal love.
Before me, nothing was created,
except eternal things and I am eternal.
All hope abandon, you who enter here.
00:00 - Intro
00:38 - Ante-Inferno
02:14 - Circle 1: Limbo
06:52 - Minos
08:20 - Circle 2: Lust
10:30 - Circle 3: Gluttony
14:29 - Plutus
15:24 - Circle 4: Avarice and Prodigality
17:02 - Circle 5: Wrath and Sullenness
22:11 - The Gate of Dis
25:13 - Circle 6: Heresy
30:23 - The Structure of Hell
34:08 - The Minotaur
35:46 - Circle 7: Violence Against Neighbours
39:05 - Circle 7: Violence Against Oneself
46:41 - Circle 7: Violence Against God
49:13 - Circle 7: Violence Against Nature
53:08 - Circle 7: Violence Against Art
58:34 - Circle 8: Phi