Lost Girl | All I Have, All I Need

First of all: MERRY CHRISTMAS! second: New fandom! Am I happy? No! I’m hyper! Yes :D I’m so obsessed with this show it’s not even funny. You should all watch it! I mean, if you’re subscribed to me, you got similar taste, so yeah... ok, promotion over, now to the video! As soon as I finished season 1 and I heard this song I knew I was going to make a Bo/Dyson vid to this. Then, after another 13 episodes, I kind of changed my mind. No, I didn’t become Team Lauren, I still can’t stand her. I became Team Bo. Period. I want a new love interest for her and making this video has made me realize how much I hate Dyson Lauren for all they put her through. I never felt so sympathetic towards a character in years! Needless to say, Kenzi is the only one who seems to actually care for her and I did show it in the video. It may seem Dyson friendly, because, hell, he did save her life and tried to sacrifice his wolf, messing it all up, so you can give at lea
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