Todd V Dating Weekly Q&A #27 — 12/11/21 пикап тодд менторская программа
Date: 12/11/21
(4:23) Question - Answer - Value can be a cold read, exaggeration, etc., right?
(6:01) What do you like to do for fun? - I like to read.
(8:46) What are you doing tomorrow morning? - Sleeping.
(10:15) Would a misinterpretation work?
(13:00) How long have you lived in the city? - I just got here last week.
(16:58) Where are you from? - I’m from Minnesota/I’m from Greece.
(19:52) Do you do anything in the realm of anti-aging/health longevity? Skincare routine, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, etc?
(24:10) To be good with women, should you abandon beliefs like the “Madonna-whore“ dichotomy? Or can you believe that but avoid telling the girl (i.e. wifey material or not)?
(26:10) How to restart in a high-value way with someone who rejected me before? My game wasn’t as good back then. She’s still attractive now, so I want to try again.
(27:50) What to do when the girl is pushing me away verbally but still engaging in the conversation? (i.e. she says: you will not see me again after tonight).
(29:25) How to change the narrative when I have girlfriends as platonic friends for too long? I fear a sudden change won’t work.
(31:27) Any tips on how to get consent and permission and make sure you have them each step along the way when escalating?
(34:15) I always assume girls are never truly “single“. Makes me wonder why she would sleep with me or what value I can offer that she’s not getting already, any advice?
(44:24) I have difficulty understanding the feelings of girls/people in real-time. Only afterward did I understand what that meant. How to develop it?
(46:30) How to be “smooth“? Please explain what does it also mean. The way I see it is to “getting out“ of situations washout losing your temper & dignity.
(48:51) I sucked at the exercise, how to practice and get better at it?
(50:28) Hi Todd! I am setting a date with a girl and she is openly talking about the fact that she is dating other guys. I rarely have a similar situation so I don’t know how to interpret it. Could it be a shit-test or could it be that I conveyed myself open-minded about sex and now she feels she can be open to me?
(51:47) Been gaming for a couple of years, but I don’t have the results I want. How do I get rid of my bad habits?
(55:52) Does sleeping with a girl on the first date or after multiple dates affect how she views you (high value or not) and how she will treat you and her willingness to do things for you moving forward? In a way, I view not being able to sleep with her on the first date as a failure because she probably would have with another guy.
(58:25) Advice for gaming in night environments which are maybe 35-40% filled/everybody is seated/people facing a stage with live musicians? I don’t want to become “that“ guy, which I do even after opening all guy’s tables and talking to couples and staff.
(1:00:20) On the note of getting enough sleep: When I go out and stay up late, I tend to not get shit done the next day. How do you personally stay productive even after being hungover/low on sleep?
(1:04:53) I recently had a long interaction with a girl that was giving me many shit-tests. I passed the majority but at times I wasn’t unsure if she was giving a shit-test or a normal question. To one of those I answered: “well, do you prefer a joke or a real answer?“. What’s your view on this type of answer?
(1:06:13) When being asked whether or not you should be afraid of being cheated on in a relationship, especially if you do game and know about female nature, you said to “trust everyone, but cut the cards“, what does “cut the cards“ mean in a relationship?
(1:09:32) You said to talk more about the experience than the resume if you want to be perceived as a lover, how does that relate to evolutionary psychology? Since the lover is supposed to be the “good gene“ guy.
(1:11:21) When guys try to steal the girl should you act like you’re not bothered by it (abundance mindset) is that usually enough?
(1:15:19) Sometimes when I do a cold approach I had a gut feeling that the girl is waiting for her boyfriend which keeps me away from approaching. What should I do?
(1:16:39) When girls see you talking to other girls after talking to them, you kind of lose value. If you try to reopen, they will ignore you. But girls do it all the time. They will flirt with other guys while they are in a set with you. How is that ok? How do I come off as a high-value man in this situation?
(1:18:40) I often hear that you should “screen for availability“, what should I be screening for exactly?
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