Elizabeth, Philip, Margaret (1949)

Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. Hyland’s Park, Nr Chelmsford, Essex. Princess Margaret with Girl Guides. GV Girl guides around camp fire. SV Princess Margaret in guide uniform looking at proceedings. MV Pan girls around fire. MV Margaret inspecting camp kitchen pan down to utensils. MV Margaret inspecting guides’ tent. SV Margaret inspecting guides’ tent and walking away. Sark, Channel Islands. Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip visit this tiny Island. MV Princess Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth II) leaving HMS Anson to board MTB (Motor Torpedo Boat). MV Ratings lining HMS Anson as MTB draws away. SV Bridge of MTB. MV MTBs in line. Anson in background. MV MTB ploughing through water pan to bows. SV Another MTB going through water at speed. LV Rocky cliffs of Sark. . spray in foreground. MV Towards MTB coming alongside. MV Elizabeth chatting with lady- in-waiting on MTB as it goes through lock. MV Crowd waving from top of lock. MV Elizabeth aided by Duke of Edinbu
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