Flood Hits Porto! Scary Footage of Flash Floods Hit Portugal! - Chuva , Inundações

Incredible Flood Hits Porto! Dramatic Images of Flash Floods Hit Portugal! - Chuva , Inundaçõesporto flood, flood, heavy rain, climate change, storm, floods, flooding, chuva, inundação porto, Chuva, inundação portuária, porto hoje enchente, flooding in porto, lisboa, inondation porto, cheias em porto, chuva em porto hoje, portugal, flash flood, cheias porto hoje, inundações porto, cheias em porto hoje, tempestade, lisbon, inundac, inundações, chuva etm lisboa, o chuva porto hoje, heavy rain in porto, porto portugal, flash floods, flood in portugal, portugal floodIn the latest news from Portugal, an incredible flood has hit the city of Porto. The city was hit hard by flash flooding, with Dramatic images of the flood hitting social media. Chuva, Inundações is the Portuguese word for ‘rain,’ and this flood is just the latest in a series of deadly weather events in Portugal. Watch the video to see the incredible flood footage, and stay safe
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