’Daisy Bell’ - Original 1894 Phonograph Recording with Lyrics

“Daisy Bell“ Composed by Harry Dacre, Performed By Edward M Favor. This song is featured in many notable Movies, Anime and TV Shows, most famously performed by HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey. Recently, Stranger Things included a version played on a Wurlitzer Carousel Organ of this song in Season 3 and its soundtrack. TikTok also played host to several recordings of this song recently, and has been used to create surreal visuals due to its association with the computerised voices of the 60s - 70s. --- This video was created with some errors in the lyrics shown onscreen. It appears the source I got them from was from a later version of the song. The differences are minimal though and the accurate lyrics are available readily online. --- Daisy Bell, Old Song, DaisyBell, Phonograph, Music, Song, Computer, First Computer To Sing, Daisy daisy --- “Daisy Bell’ - Original 1894 Phonograph Recording - [LYRICS] “Daisy Bell’ - Original 1894 Phonograph Recording - [LYRICS] “Daisy Bell’ - Original 1894 Phonograph Recording - [LYRICS]
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