Punky Brewster - S03E06 - Hands Across the Halls.

Punky, Henry, and Brandon’s regular viewing of Lifestyles of the Pets of the Rich and Famous is interrupted by a small fire in the opposite apartment. The apartment’s resident, elderly Maude Firestein (Irene Tedrow), is apologetic for the mishap, with most being sympathetic except for chronic complainer Pete “Frank the Crank“ Frank (Bruce Kirby), who wants Mrs. Firestein out of the building. Inside Mrs. Firestein’s apartment, Henry discovers that the fire is the result of burning pajamas—Mrs. Firestein was drying her pajamas in her oven because she can’t make it to the dryer in the building’s basement. Mrs. Firestein’s situation turns out to be even worse than that, as her son is now married and living in Philadelphia, and her son is strongly urging her to move into a nursing home for her safety. After finding out just how much Mrs. Firestein has to lose, Punky and Cherie are determined to rally the building into helping her stay. A meeting of all tenants is called, but Mr. Frank’s resistance, combined with everyone else’s busy lives, almost sinks the idea. When Mr. Frank’s father Ben (Bill Erwin) is revealed to be the person who’s been chosen to take over Mrs. Firestein’s lease, Mr. Frank throws his full support into Punky and Cherie’s plan, rallying the building and saving Mrs. Firestein from the nursing home. However, the joke is on Mr. Frank in the end when his father and Mrs. Firestein begin to date!
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